Wednesday, January 25, 2017


Drink More Tea by Kamakani M.
A 12-week trial by Japanese researchers, which tracked 35 men who were trying to lose weight, found that those who drank tea high in catechins lost the most weight and also recorded the greatest improvements in BMI, waist measurements, body fat mass, subcutaneous fat and cholesterol levels” (Carroll).  If you want to lose weight then tea will help you, I don’t see why you wouldn’t help yourself. If tea does this and many other things to help your body then everybody should drink tea.
Green tea is known for making people lose weight. With that, it is also known for lowering bad cholesterols. This only helps with a portion so don’t completely endorse it. However drink teas with a certain amount of properties in it. In this case Catechins but others are helpful (Carroll).

Other benefits of drinking tea are that some teas can lower the risk of diabetes. A meta analysis with many authorities in the medical field, shows that an additional 2 cups of tea per day lowers the risk of developing type 3 and type 2 Diabetes by 46%. Also, black tea is known to strengthen bones says Verona M. Hegarty Phd. in gerontology (Edgar).

Why tea? Tea also has less caffeine than coffee. This means that people who drink tea instead of coffee get less of the bad side of effects from caffeine. Tea even has less caffeine than most sodas and sports drinks, making tea a healthy alternative ("Drinking Healthy: Benefits and Misconceptions").

Some might say that tea is still bad for you because it has caffeine, and even if it has a very low amount it is still bad. However, other drinks have way more caffeine that are not coffee. These include various sodas and sports drinks, these usually contain about 90 ml of caffeine as compared to an average amount of caffeine which is in tea, 40ml. This is only in black teas so other teas like ginger tea or rooibos teas are caffeine free making them perfect for every audience.(Edgar) (Watson).

If you don’t drink these teas, then you will not experience all of the benefits of this drink. When don’t drink tea you will not experience the lower risk of diabetes, you won’t experience lowering bad cholesterols, better bmi results and weight lowering. With all of those benefits you also get the same results as coffee with more healthy side effects and less caffeine (Carroll).

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