Sunday, January 29, 2017

Ava Leilani S.

Chores and Housework
By Ava Leilani S.

Thomas Jefferson once said "All men are created equal; they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Splitting up chores among the household members is just another way of implying equal human rights.  It is necessary to split up housework if you want better relationships with the people in your house. Having too much to do will make you tired and result in only realizing the negatives in your life. Having too much work will also result in having high levels of stress.

Researchers have found that "Laundry, cleaning, childcare, monitoring playdates, and buying groceries" can help you with your marriages and relationships with your family. And during my research I found the same evidence in various cities (Berlatsky).

One mom, was tired of doing all the dirty work and decided to do something about it.  She was tired of doing chore after chore, of her kids fighting every five minutes, and of her husband coming back home crabby and short tempered. This mother was Elizabeth Monier- Williams a marketing digital culture analysis.   She found that splitting up housework benefited her family. Splitting up housework will not only help you with your relationships but will also reduce stress levels.  Splitting up housework among household members will ultimately lower your stress levels a lot! It will also clear up time for you, so you can have more me time and more family time (Kristine Lockwood).

Some argue that children are too young to be doing chores and should be playing outside. But when children do chores they gain a certain responsibility that will help them when they get older. If they learn how to take responsibility of housework when they are still young, when they get older they will apply this to their own houses and routines.  And besides that, kids don't play outside all the time, they would rather go on their devices, therefore not being active and just zoning out.

If you don't split housework and chores among the people in the household, you'll develop bad relationships.  When you split up housework and chores everyone will reduce their stress levels and will have more free time to themselves and their families.  Chores should be divided among the people per household in order to maintain stable relationships and a healthy way of living.

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1 comment:

  1. I agree that we should split chores because I know that in my family that when we don't split chores then one person get's mad that they have to much and then they start an argument. I like how you had word for word when you were quoting Thomas Jefferson.
