Sunday, January 29, 2017

Kaiyana T.

This World Called Technology by Kaiyana T.

One day Jake was texting while walking across the street.  He did not notice the car that was about to turn right around the corner and suddenly, BOOM! The car hit the pole and was halfway off the corner ledge, and could you believe it, Jake just walked away on his phone again. The car may not have hurt him, but his phone sure did. You see technology causes you to focus more on a screen rather than what you are doing or the work you need to do.  Technology is also very addicting, which can distract you just like it did to Jake.  Technology can also cause obesity, like when you're on it too long instead of actually being active.

We all have those "I'm gonna check my phone just for second" moments and the next thing you know an hour has passed by already! Well, that's what technology can do; it makes you want to go on it and then it draws you away from your work.  We often have the ability to control our own social networking sites, which most of the time draws us in, as said in a recent article (Thorpe).  Just like Jake, we can be negatively impacted by technology by paying more attention to it rather than what we have to do or learn.

What can happen to us when paying so much attention to technology?  We get addicted that's what! "55% of the respondents noted their before-bed TV sessions were costing them up to three hours of sleep per night" (Yovino).  This kind of behavior also impacts one's actions a job.  The bright light of your device while your staying up on it, is bad for you because it affects the secretion of melatonin, which is a hormone that is needed for equal amounts of sleep time.  Therefore, it is not so good being addicted to something other than food huh!

Obesity, it spreads so fast and technology plays a big part in that. Studies prove that people who use technology less are more likely to live happier and healthier than those who use it more.  In an article, it states, "We use more technology, we exercise less" (Deloatch).  This is important to remember the next time you take a "couple seconds" to check your phone!  Technology is always gonna make a difference, but it's our choice on what kind of difference we want it to make.

Other people argue that "well technology can help us have a better education."  However, there are many other resources that can help us to learn! There are always books, people you can talk to, places you can go, and those are just some of the resources we have.  Trust me if our kupuna could live without technology, then we can too.

If you do stay on technology for too long you won't be able to sleep very well, and who doesn't want good sleep? Staying up super late, sitting on the couch for too long, and it's all for technology. That's what causes you to be obese. You could possibly get injured too. For example, if you text or look at something like Facebook while driving and you are not paying attention to what you are doing, then you could crash or worse! Those are just some reasons that technology is bad for you. Technology can be a useful servant but a dangerous master (Christian Lous Lange).  Don't let your technology be your master!

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1 comment:

  1. I appreciate how Kaiyana doesn't sound like she's just stating facts, you can hear her thoughts through her words. I also appreciate that she states facts multiple times to get the facts into the readers head.
