Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Haylyn L

The Internet Is Dangerous by Haylyn L.
Did you know that 15% of children between 10 and 17 years old have had a stranger contact them online? This is one of the reasons why some parents have restrictions. Most people think that it's 1 in a hundred 100 chances that something could happen to them on the internet, but in reality it's actually 1 out 10.
As Moani was scrolling through instagram, she stumbled upon a girl in her class post. It was a picture of everybody but Moani had a weird face. In the comments the girl who posted it said, “Someone looks awkward… @moani lol”. Moani never thought anything of it, although she was a bit offended because nobody thought of it as a joke. This is one example of how someone can write or poste something bad or dishonest on the internet. Twenty-four percent of teens and young adults said that someone has written something about them online that wasn't true (Gilkerson).
“ We can't ever forget that the internet is just a utility. The exciting platforms are software applications that are very, very simple”(cuban).  In other words, we have to remember that the internet was most likely made to make our lives easier and as a tool for us. Today people, specifically teens and older, have used the internet in ways that make their lives harder.
Did you know 20% of teens say their peers are “mostly unkind” to each other on social networks (Gilkerson) This can affect teens not only physically but emotionally. When these kinds of things happen, it can lead to suicide, depression, and more.
Although some might say that the internet is a way to make friends and meet new people. Some people will agree. However, social media users can still make friends. When people stay true to themselves and do not put out too much information social media can be a fun thing ("Internet Safety 101")
In conclusion, if you put out too much personal information about yourself or commit some kind of bullying, the internet can be a dangerous place for you. If you do these things, you can become a victim to a bully or someone could stalk you on the web. The next time you think of putting your whole name on a website, think back to the1 out of 100 and remember, it's actually 1 out of 10.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your argument because the internet can be dangerous. I think this because many people can get hurt or their people hurt their feelings. Something you might consider is to fix the little errors that you were missing like commas or taking out the extra words.
